Prepare the following information for your submission and be ready to:
- Provide a project name and description
- Provide sample metadata that is unique by sample
- Provide sequence metadata
- Upload your files
Add your SARS-CoV-2 sequence data to the growing public archive
Submit unassembled SARS CoV-2 sequence reads to SRA and make your data available worldwide.
Prepare the following information for your submission and be ready to:
For a new project, prepare the information that creates a BioProject.
Required information:
Optional information:
Important: The required BioProject and BioSample can be created during submission. You can also link an existing BioProject and BioSample with accession numbers.
For new samples, prepare the details that will serve as BioSamples' metadata for individual biological specimens (collection date, location, etc.).
Prepare the following 'Library' information:
Ensure the file name(s) you choose do not contain any sensitive information. File names as submitted appear publicly on the Google and AWS clouds. The SRA can screen your data for human contaminant sequences. If you would like your sequences screened then please set the release date for a week into the future and contact the SRA after your submission completes.
Upload data files for your SRA submission. There are several options available:
Please note that your uploaded file names should be an exact match to the file names listed on the 'Metadata' tab, including file extension.
If you plan to submit regularly, or submit a large volume of data, programmatic submission may be useful.
Start by contacting with the subject "Center account creation for XML submissions." Please provide:
A test area and a production area will be created. Deposit the XML file and related data files into a directory and follow the instructions SRA provides via email to indicate when files are ready to trigger the pipeline.
Complete several successful tests before making a production submission. The SRA team will assist you.
Important: The submission.xml file can link to either an existing BioProject/BioSamples or register new BioProject/BioSamples. The XML file is broken up into “Action” blocks and each “Action” is an instruction to the database referenced inside the “Action” block. Simple “Action” block for SRA:
Submit your sequence data on desktop. The desktop view allows you to easily:
Find and analyze SARS-CoV-2 sequence data, and related data.