Submission Portal

Submit to the world's largest public repository of biological and scientific information


This submission option is for genomic DNA (e.g. protein-coding gene, regulatory element), transcripts (e.g. mRNA, ncRNA), or small genomes (organelle, plasmid, and phage and other viral) from any organism. Artificial sequences (cloning/expression vector) as well as annotated or assembled third party sequences can also be submitted here.

Do you have assembled Monkeypox virus sequences to submit? Use the Monkeypox submission guide.

mRNA submitters: Please try our new wizard for submitting Eukaryotic nuclear mRNA. The wizard now supports three ways of annotating CDS features: using an enhanced web form, uploading the corresponding protein sequences, or a feature table.

What You Should Expect

Prepare the following information:

  1. General: your contact details, authors, publication, data release date
  2. Submission type:
    • Original or third-party assembly/annotation
    • Set designation (if applicable) for multiple sequences of the same locus
    • Molecule type
  3. Nucleotide sequences in FASTA or alignment format
  4. Organism name(s)
  5. Source metadata, such as: isolate, strain, collection date, geo_loc_name
  6. Feature annotation, such as CDS (coding region), tRNA, ncRNA, gene

You may submit sequences in one of two formats:

1) FASTA, which is acceptable for one or more sequences. Please use the FASTA format that starts with a definition line, followed with a hard return and the sequence. The simplest definition line requires the "> " symbol and a sequence_ID.


>Seq1 [organism=Mus emesi]
>Seq2 [organism=Mus bufo]

2) The alignment format, which is acceptable for multiple sequences from the same locus or same genomic region. Accepted alignment formats include FASTA+GAP, Nexus, Phylip, and Clustal(w).

All sequence files must be in plain text using ASCII characters only. Use IUPAC codes for your sequences.

Source modifiers will be requested as part of submission and use a controlled vocabulary to describe how, when, and where you obtained your samples. You can also uniquely identify your samples from the same organism with source modifier such as isolate, clone, strain or specimen voucher.

You will be asked to provide values for certain source modifiers based on your organism information. Additional modifiers will be available to add.

Source modifiers can be provided through the web form or through a tab delimited table.

Prepare to annotate features on your sequence(s):

For simple annotation (e.g. same feature for all sequences), follow the web form's instructions
For complex annotation, prepare a tab-delimited, five-column feature table to upload
Provide feature intervals based on the sequence(s) you are submitting. For protein-coding sequences, annotate the coding regions (CDS) on your sequence(s), whether they are partial or complete.

If you submitted an alignment, you will have an option to 'Propagate features' from a single sequence (longest sequence recommended) to the other sequences in your submission. You will have the option to manually edit or remove features after propagation.

Not providing complete feature annotation will delay accession number assignment and processing.

Submit your sequence data on desktop. The desktop view allows you to easily:

  • Enter your information
  • Enter or upload metadata
  • Upload large source files
  • Review your submission

Email me a link to get started


BankIt FAQ

  • NCBI provides multiple submission tools for different types of sequence data to be submitted. BankIt can be used to submit most types of data (such as mRNA or genomic DNA; nuclear or organellar sequences; single sequences or sets of sequences; single genes or complete plasmids/organelles). Submission Portal GenBank has specialized wizards designed to submit specific data types (Influenza, Norovirus, and Dengue; prokaryotic rRNA; organellar rRNA; eukaryotic rRNA-ITS; metazoan COX1), which streamlines the submission process. Similarly, large genomes, transcriptomes, and most unassembled reads are submitted through alternate Submission Portal wizards (Genomes-WGS, TSA, and SRA, respectively).

  • For the latest submission options, begin by entering keywords describing the data you need to submit in the 'Search' box labeled 'What do you want to submit?' NCBI is in the process of improving the submission experience based on submitter feedback and activity. Some submission tools are being retired or combined to make it easier to submit and simplify requirements.


GenBank is the world's largest nucleotide archive containing sequences from all branches of life. The archive is a foundation for medical and biological discovery.

  • Submit assembled SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, Norovirus, Dengue virus, rRNA, rRNA-ITS, metazoan COX1, Eukaryotic nuclear mRNA sequences.

  • Submit genomic DNA, organelle, ncRNA, plasmids, other viruses, phages, other mRNA, synthetic constructs.

  • Submit assembled eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes (WGS or Complete).

Sequence Read Archive (SRA)

SRA is the largest publicly-available repository of high throughput sequencing data. The archive accepts data from all branches of life as well as metagenomic and environmental surveys.

Other Tools

  • TSA

    Submit computationally assembled, transcribed RNA sequences after submitting unassembled reads to SRA. Learn more

  • GEO

    Submit RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and other types of gene expression and epigenomics datasets. Learn more

  • BioProject & BioSample

    Choose a tool above if submitting sequence data. Learn more

Medical Genetics & Variation Tools

Submit clinical data, small & large human genomics variants, and genotype & phenotype data.

Other Resources