Submission Portal

Submit to the world's largest public repository of biological and scientific information

Sequence Read Archive (SRA)

SRA is an open access archive of minimally-processed read data from high throughput platforms.

What You Should Expect

Prepare the following information for your submission and be ready to:

  1. Provide a project name and description
  2. Choose the type or ‘package’ of your samples
  3. Provide sample metadata that is unique by sample
  4. Provide sequence metadata
  5. Upload your files

Watch a 10 min video tutorial.

SARS-CoV-2 submission instructions.

For a new project, prepare the information that creates a BioProject.

Required information:

  1. Title
  2. Description

Optional information:

  1. Participants
  2. Grants: Required if your project was funded by a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant

Important: The required BioProject and BioSample can be created during submission. You can also link an existing BioProject and BioSample with accession numbers.

For new samples, prepare the details that will serve as BioSamples' metadata for individual biological specimens (collection date, location, etc.).

  1. Select the ‘package’ that best fits your biological samples. Each package has a distinct set of required attributes which you can preview here.
  2. Each sample must have a unique set of attributes. Provide all required fields and any optional fields that apply to your samples.
  3. Add custom attributes to fully describe your samples and facilitate searching. You should submit at least one unique data file for each sample you create.

Prepare the following 'Library' information:

  1. Which BioSample should be linked to which file(s)
  2. Your library construction protocol
  3. Other metadata like unique library names, sequencing platform, and filetype.

Ensure the file name(s) you choose do not contain any sensitive information. File names as submitted appear publicly on the Google and AWS clouds.

Upload data files for your SRA submission. There are several options available:

  1. File upload via the web interface using HTTP or the Aspera Connect browser plugin
  2. FTP and Aspera on the command line
  3. Upload from Amazon S3 storage or Google Cloud Platform bucket

Please note that your uploaded file names should be an exact match to the file names listed on the 'Metadata' tab, including file extension.

Submit your sequence data on desktop. The desktop view allows you to easily:

  • Enter your information
  • Enter or upload metadata
  • Upload large source files
  • Review your submission

Email me a link to get started



  • No, you can create a BioProject and BioSamples as part of your SRA Submission. Please indicate that you have not previously registered these objects when asked and the submission wizard will prompt you to enter that information along with the rest of your submission metadata.

  • Yes, you can release your data or update the release date from 'Manage data' tab. Select the BioProject related to the data you would like to release, then click the ‘Edit’ button next to ‘Release date.’ Follow the prompts there to update your release date.

  • To add data to an existing BioProject, please create a new SRA submission and enter the BioProject accession (looks like PRJNA#) when asked. This will ensure the new data is linked to the existing BioProject.

  • You can generate a reviewer metadata link from the 'Manage data' tab. From this interface, navigate to the BioProject page for the pertinent dataset, then click the 'Create Reviewer Link' button to the right of the BioProject accession near the top of the page. Share data with colleagues or your publisher's reviewer.

  • SRA users are able to see all the metadata describing your data files and they will be able to retrieve the original submitted files with their original file names. SRA users will also be able to retrieve the standardized SRA version of your data files.


GenBank is the world's largest nucleotide archive containing sequences from all branches of life. The archive is a foundation for medical and biological discovery.

  • Submit assembled SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, Norovirus, Dengue virus, rRNA, rRNA-ITS, metazoan COX1, Eukaryotic nuclear mRNA sequences.

  • Submit genomic DNA, organelle, ncRNA, plasmids, other viruses, phages, other mRNA, synthetic constructs.

  • Submit assembled eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes (WGS or Complete).

Sequence Read Archive (SRA)

SRA is the largest publicly-available repository of high throughput sequencing data. The archive accepts data from all branches of life as well as metagenomic and environmental surveys.

Other Tools

  • TSA

    Submit computationally assembled, transcribed RNA sequences after submitting unassembled reads to SRA. Learn more

  • GEO

    Submit RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and other types of gene expression and epigenomics datasets. Learn more

  • BioProject & BioSample

    Choose a tool above if submitting sequence data. Learn more

Medical Genetics & Variation Tools

Submit clinical data, small & large human genomics variants, and genotype & phenotype data.

Other Resources